Saturday 18 December 2010

There Isn't enoght Time in the World.

Sometimes everything sucks…..Scratch that….its more than sometimes. You get an ok momentum, you are in the process of getting your life sorted out, and then someone has to go rain on your fucking tinker time parade. No Fireworks. No Confetti. Just blah blah blah, this could be better, you’re messing this up, and you need to do this, that and the other.

It's like the pitfalls in others lives seem to circle around your drain and are slowly but surely pushing you in; and of all times to do so when things could be potential looking up for you. TIME almost seems irrelevant. Things take TIME. They have always taken TIME. If things that needed to get done, POOF got done the next day then my god would this world be a different place. Babies would be born in a day, not 9 months, wars would last a day not 7 years, we would already have gone to mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and wherever else we have thought to go, yesterday and well damn, that pair of shoes you ordered last night, would already be sitting in your room. But no, things take TIME. But if you are in the position where your life interferes with the life of someone else's, there is no such thing as TIME. It needs to be the wham bam thank you ma’am, moving on to the next. You just can’t go fast enough. And they will nag, and complain, and you will scream and cry, but for what. Unless that phone rings and on the other end is somebody offering you a million dollars, your life is going to be pretty much the same as it was when you woke up that morning, plus the added stress of somebody else’s bullshit.


Well first, you are going to do that whole fuck you thing, I don’t need this bullshit. And then you will look for immediate solutions and eventually a few hours later stress yourself out because, low and behold, THESE THINGS TAKE TIME!!!!! Unfortunately, at birth, I am pretty sure somebody forgot to add a little bit of patience to the people of the world, and when they got to you, they remembered, and gave you a whole truckload extra to compensate for what others lack. And as you grew up, your level of patience was a lot higher than others. It took a lot longer for you to loose your cool…weeks….months……years even... and then you eventually explode like Mount Vesuvius taking only yourself with it, and maybe a few others. So let’s face it, when others stress you out for not going fast enough, it seems that the recipient of your rage is only going to be YOU!

So after stressing yourself our for a good 2 hours you stop, the tears have stopped, the frustration has stopped, and you find yourself back where you were before...content with your life, and achievements and looking forward to the day when your life is going to change. You say to yourself that this new year is going to be a good year. You life is going to change. Thank whatever higher power you believe in for new year’s resolutions. Your resolve is to make your life better this year, do better, be better, and hopefully this year achieve that one thing that is going to allow you to give that massive middle fingers to everyone who lost their patience before you. FUCK YOU, and YOU, and ESPECIALLY YOU!!!!!!!! I WIN. I WAITED. Slow and steady wins the race..

Moral of this story…..FUCK EVERYONE ELSE!!!! Your life is yours and no one else’s. If it happens to intertwine with the pitfalls of others that is how the higher power has decreed it to be. Don’t over-exert yourself. Stop crying, stop screaming, because no matter what others say, and no matter what they try to inflict upon your life,

