Friday 8 January 2010

First....I say Happy New Year.....i hope your first few days into the new decade were as spectacular as mine...and filled with food, friends....and other good things that start with F. :)

Second.....I apologize for my tardiness. My constant distractions included the food, you will just have to suck it up....I am back now.

Thirdly......i would like to regale you of my tale of Sherlock Holmes on Christmas Day....I did not know that there was a Cowboy convention in town........until I saw him.....

But here's the kicker........I saw another one.....and then decided that it was not a cowboy convention...but a brokeback mountain convention which made the party that i was with cackle with Christmas joke delight.

ok ok....enough witht the fake shit...on with the real shit.

So......I have almost completed one of the pieces that i have been working on for the last couple months....if not for the distractions previoulsy mentioned...and an increase of working would have been done....maybe...but the New Year is good for New Things and what better way to start up a new decade than with some amazing art. So upon its completion, i will upload some images for your approval...

Til Then....TaTa.


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