Friday 25 December 2009

Me and Christmas....

Seasons Greetings Friends......Its once again Christmas. This year, I am celebrating with Bull, my best friends dog :

And of course....a little extra yule tide joy on the form of my absolute favourite....

But seriously....Happy Holidays everyone. Christmas isn't about presents and eggnog(even though the holiday eggnog is fantastic) It's about Family and Friends. So enjoy both of those this day.


Monday 21 December 2009

let the planning for domination begin......

I am planting a seed. I surround myself with people like me, who think like me.....and their creativity and business savvy has inspired me to continue my ploy to conquer the world. Beginning with my own business and then further expansion. I tend to measure my own greatness by he greatness of those around me.....and can I just say.........With the people I know.....the world is our canvas and we are going to paint allllllllllllllll over it. :) With the impending graduation, continued education, and general plans for the future....we have begun to lay the groundwork for something truly amazing. Right now, I don't know what it is, I don't know where it will go, and I can only imagine what it will be when we get there, but the excitement that is written on my face, the years of joy that will come from it, cannot even be measured in normal standards. And all of this just makes me so excited for what is to come, And if I am should be terrified. Once we put our minds and energies into is amazing what we can accomplish.

So, here's to our present, and CHEERS to our future.

I Love you all....and thank you for your greatness. :)


Thursday 17 December 2009

who knew the freeway could be so inspiring.......

So my Thursday morning commute is comprised of a little bit of Orgy's "How Does it Feel" and a little bit of artistic inspiration. Who knew people driving slow and me swerving in and out of traffic could be so inspiring. But I I am driving behind this truck that is partially freaking me out and inspiring me at the same time. It has this pile of metal pipes strapped to it with straps that look like under dire amounts of pressure and stress would snap off and send these pipes into the freeway causing morning traffic to slow down...if at all possible....even more than it already is. HOWEVER....I had this wonderful.....and by wonderful I mean wood and metal sculpture wonderful.....idea. If you are familiar with my bendy ply.... I had this idea involving metal pipes.....more of the linear, non curved kind......set up in a formation that would have them placed randomly, but close together, vertically in some kind of base....or maybe even concrete( i do enjoy mixing concrete now....kinda fun) allowing for enough space for me to take strips of the bendy ply and wrap them around said metal poles in various formations and curves.......creating yet another wood and metal sculpture creation. See if you can get into my head and follow me.....I am going to take this somewhere.........slowly since I am poor and am going to have to locate the materials to do so. I have actually been thinking about appropriating some of the wood from one of the freeway construction sites...but I don't think that is such a good idea.

SO FOR ME PLEASEEEEEEEE!!! If you know anyone who knows where they dump all this suff....ask them where I should look first....and hopefully when i get new coveralls.....i can pay a visit to where they put all the garbage and scrap mans trash is another mans treasure........well in my case Some of your trash...could be this chicks treasure. :)


Wednesday 16 December 2009

9 centimeters dialated and crowning........

Congratulations........It's a girl!!!!! ....Its Wednesday, my first day off work in a week, and I have decided I need a source of income to help me pay back this ridiculous school loan, because my job just isn't cutting it. Next to writing email's to the president and asking him for advice, writing a letter to Oprah, and is looking a little gray today. However, with help from around the world I have begun to amass a few ideas to help me out of my own economic crisis. One, would be a non-profit organization centered around educating underprivileged children in my own personal artistic endeavours......i.e. sculpting and abstract installation. Two, scratching the whole non-profit sector and going for profit........and of my own personal favourites......Three, a magazine. But not just any magazine. One centered around my great city of San Diego and the artist who love, live, and create here. We are so many and yet get so little recognition.

I was sad to see how little we are in comparison to the great art societies in London which was my home for 4 wonderful return to such a destitute place in the art world. BUT...this will not stop me.......with the future of my own gallery and bar on the rise, I will stop at nothing to aid San Diego in becoming the spot and destination for artists worldwide. Forget LA......who needs NY......its all about SD, my home, your home....our Home.
So I start small.....I never really liked the idea of blogging.....however....its almost 2010....a new decade...and time for a new start. So, I'm a couple weeks early for all the hoopla and resolutions...but any day is a good day for new beginnings. So today will be my birthday. December 16, 2009. I am a whopping 23 minutes old....and already..I can feel the creativity seeping out of my pores.

So lets give it a go.....see where we end up....and if all else fails....i will at least have some where to vent about all my newly acquired 2.10 agitations....and beyond.
